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By 2050 there will be more than one million people over 100 years of age. Americans over 85 are the fastest-growing segment of the population, according to the National Institute on Aging.

Overall, death rates in the U.S. population have declined during the past century. But for some diseases, including chronic lower respiratory diseases and Alzheimer’s disease, death rates among older Americans have increased in recent years.

The leading causes of death among people age 65 and over are heart disease, cancer, stroke, chronic lower respiratory diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and influenza and pneumonia.

Vision and hearing limitations and oral health problems are often thought of as natural signs of aging. However, early detection and treatment can prevent, or at least postpone, some of the debilitating physical, social, and emotional effects these impairments can have on the lives of older people.

Contrary to popular belief, most of the elderly in this country live at home. 58% of those age 50 or older who receive care live in their own home and another 20% live with their caregiver. Only 11% live in a nursing home or assisted living community.

Caregiving does not have to be as overwhelming and stressful as it may be right now.

Contact Care Management Solutions for help.

There are many advantages for seniors to be healthy and stay healthy: longer life; reduced disability – later onset of disability, fewer years of disability prior to death, fewer falls; improved mental health – positive effect on depressive symptoms, possible delays in loss of cognitive function; and lower health care costs (Center for Advancing Health). People with a chronic illness or disability would likely experience the same benefits.

The biggest threats to the health and well-being of people age 65 and over are, in descending order: no regular physical activity; unhealthy weight; no pneumonia vaccine ever; no flu shot in the last 12 months; a fall each year; inappropriate medication use; clinically-relevant symptoms of depression; and smoking (Centers for Disease Control).

Family members may not always know how to tell when their loved one is beginning to show signs of problems or whether to be concerned about signs they may detect.

If your loved one experiences…

  1. BulletFalling, with or without apparent injury

  2. BulletWithdrawn behavior, social isolation

  3. BulletDeclining health

  4. BulletFailing memory

  5. BulletDeficits in judgment

  6. BulletWeight loss or weight gain

  7. BulletNot taking medications correctly, not getting refills

  8. BulletUnpaid bills, overdrawn bank account, mail piling up

  9. BulletSpoiled food in the home, lack of food

  10. BulletCluttering, hoarding or otherwise unclean or unsafe home

  11. BulletPoor hygiene, disheveled appearance, dirty clothes

  12. BulletUnsafe driving, gets lost easily

  13. BulletMissed doctor appointments or other appointments

  14. BulletLack of needed care and attention because you live far away or cannot provide direct care for other reasons

  15. BulletOther behaviors or circumstances that seem a bit “off”

  16. .....there may be reason for concern about his/her health and safety.

Care Management Solutions can assess the situation, explore options to meet identified needs and help manage care for your loved one.

Contact Care Management Solutions.

It is difficult for most people to ask for help and accept help, but the sooner you address concerns and problems,

the better the chances that you can resolve them before they become more serious, more harmful or more expensive.

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Care Management Solutions works to promote, restore, maintain and enhance the well-being and health status

of seniors, people living with a disability or chronic illness and their families.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Mary was exhausted and overwhelmed with the caregiving duties for her husband, Robert, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. She requested the services of Care Management Solutions for help. The Care Manager completed an assessment, explored options with Mary and made arrangements to provide socialization and activities for Robert and respite for Mary. Also for Mary, the Care Manager provided education about dementia and coaching to help her better manage Robert’s behavior at home. The Care Manager referred her to a support group and offered referrals to an elder law attorney to get the couple’s legal affairs in order and plan for their future. Mary now has relief from Robert’s unrelenting care needs, she has information she can use to make realistic choices and she doesn’t feel so alone. She is able to enjoy special times with Robert and make the most of their relationship. The Care Manager continues to check in on Mary and Robert periodically and is available to intervene as Robert’s care needs change.